CHANGE MANAGEMENT: The Important Dollar

In today’s political landscape, we hear a lot about the future… what is going to happen to our workforce… what is going to happen to our economy… how the future will be better (or worse) than we can possibly imagine, if we only change the way we do things in some revolutionary (or incremental) way.  So much of our politics is negative, though.  It represents a view that the current corps of leaders are doing it all wrong and that there are but a few who can fix it.

In that vein, here’s an article (May 13, 2002) in Business Week… Consider how it applies to our world today:

The economy is stuck in the doldrums, thanks largely to the broken promises of technology. Dazzled by seemingly limitless returns, bankers had funded hundreds of companies, all going after the same dubious markets. Heedless, individual investors clamored to get into the stock market, driving share prices to unheard-of levels. Soon the overheated market crashed, turning the new heroes of business into goats and scoundrels. Now, disillusionment reigns, and nobody knows what’s going to happen next.

In fact, if that sounds familiar, you might be surprised to learn that the “broken promise of technology” refers to the steam locomotive. The place is England. And the year is 1850. The railroads were the Internet of 150 years ago, and it all fell apart when railroad stock shares plunged 85%.


I bring this analogy forward to say something simple about the today’s organization and strategy and perhaps the evolving workplace of the future.  The “technology” (e.g. the way we use tools, the strategies and initiatives we implement, etc.) used to accomplish the goals we have for organizational effectiveness matters little.

What matters more – much more – is the way that people experience their place of work and how they generate knowledge that matters for their organizations’ sustainability.

Some fifteen years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Laurence Prusack, a recognized consultant in the IBM Consulting organization.  We interviewed Dr. Prusack because he was researching and consulting with organizations about how knowledge management was happening and should happen in organizations.  The quote I remember most in my interview of Dr. Prusack is this:

Knowledge tends to be local, sticky, and contextual. It stays where it is. It’s true in the context of the organization. And it’s sticky the way economist use that word. It’s hard to move. You can move money all over the planet. Trillions every day. You can move people all over the planet. You can move physical equipment. You can’t move knowledge per say. It’s very difficult.

So that’s the rub… we are still trying to find ways to manage this “sticky” knowledge that Dr. Prusack references.  Technology is still a challenge – really a beast – that is difficult to manage.  Then there are the people – the ones who live and work in the organizations we lead.  Their experience is really all that matters, because it is the people – not the technology or the configuration of their space or the whiz-bang tool of the moment – that help them manage knowledge while becoming productive in their pursuit of innovation.  After all, the innovators are the winners in today’s economy.

To me, the workplace is a sort of metaphor that represents the way things happen in today’s economy.  Arguably, today’s workforce needs a place to work.  A desk or a spot in an airport lounge or a space at the big table in the neighborhood coffee shop.  The notion of providing a “do everything for everyone” kind of workplace has passed us long ago.  Yet, there is still great resistance to the idea that we simply need a place to work.  It doesn’t need to be fancy.  It should be functional… and interestingly enough, it really does reflect our identity.

We still want a place to put the kids’ pictures.  We still want a way to celebrate accomplishment.  We want our team’s space to be ours and have stuff we need to do what we do.


For all the money we invest in providing a highly integrated and comfortable space for our colleagues, perhaps the end result is not the goal at all.  Maybe it’s the journey of getting there that matters.  If you put a group of people in the “workplace of the future”, they don’t always use it in the way the designer intended.  In fact, if you gave a group of people an immeasurably configurable space and told them to work there, each team would decide what it should look like based on their preferences, work style and identity.

Reflect on an initiative or strategy or structure that you put in place for your organization.  They work best when you bring people along with the process.  They seem to “stick” when people are aligned with the purpose and reasoning behind the new “stuff” you are implementing.  You see, the “stuff” is much less important than the journey you went through to implement it.

All of this is to say that change management is probably the most important dollar you can invest in any organizational development project. 

This process (some might call it an art) helps people through their impressions and feelings associated with the organization they are about to become.  Change management is what makes that expensive new initiative work.

There are at least five important tips to keep in mind as you embark on your organizational change journey:

  1. Everyone is in a different place on the change curve. Some are skeptical, some of excited and most are wondering what it all means.  Remember, the first step to good change management is to know your starting point and designing a way to engage your associates to get them from where they are to where you want them to be.changecurve
  2. Leadership buy-in is critical. So many of the projects that I’ve managed live and die by how the leader accepts (or rejects) the change.  Be the leader who helps make it make sense.  Find the leader who is excited to help.  Communicate early and often.  Equip them for success.
  3. Fears and concerns are important. There is a point in the change journey where each individual has the opportunity to move from thinking about things “the old way” to engaging the future potential of the solution.  They are both resisting the past and exploring the future… all at the same time.  The only way to guarantee that people move forward is to let them express what is holding them back.  Provide lots of opportunities for people to express their fears and concerns.  Give them time to vent and to cheer on your behalf.  Once the issue is on the table, then you can find a solution for the future success of your project.
  4. Don’t be too late to make a difference. So many times, clients come to me (and people like me) and ask for support of projects that are nearing completion.  Change management requires frequent engagements at multiple levels and in multiple ways.  Some are going to respond to direct contact, while others might prefer a social or visual approach.  Plan for change just like you plan for the initiative.  It is money well spent and makes a real difference.
  5. Never forget who lives in the house. The workplace of today is like a house.  Nobody suggests you should cook in your bedroom, nor is it comfortable (or wise) to sleep in your oven.  Each place in your home and each space in your workplace have a purpose.  But we don’t live there; your customer does.  So while each part of your program might have a well thought out purpose or plan for its design, sometimes the residents have a better idea.  At the end of the day, the people who are on the front lines of your organization need general guidance but they really can decide how things are going to work best.  That is not to say we should allow a team to revert back to the old ways of their past.  Instead, the change management process really does engage and bring out the best in all the stakeholders for your project.  Let the people who live there decide and innovate how to do things the right way for themselves.

This brings us back to the steam locomotive of the 1850s.  While it was probably considered a failed technology at the time, it did become quite an important part of our history and global economic development.  That steam locomotive powered us through some pretty difficult times.

What about that “sticky knowledge” Dr. Prusack referenced?  Remember, someone or some group of people had to figure out how to make the steam locomotive work.  Perhaps it was a change management process of sorts that got the ingrained knowledge of technology development into a productive and working vehicle for our future.

In the same way, there are concepts, perceptions, norms and beliefs that reside in each occupant of each workplace around the world.  That transition from resistance to exploration often makes your solutions much more successful and innovative than anyone believed at the outset.  Invest your dollars in Change Management… it makes all the difference.

For more information about Gibbard Consulting services, contact Max at
(616) 581-2128 |



I’m getting serious about this “in business for myself” thing.

Announcing the new and improved

My services are set in five categories:

  • Strategy – helping organizations adjust or create their marketing strategy
  • Transition – supporting unemployed and those looking for new lines of work
  • Accountability – for young adults in college or new vocations
  • Change – training and communication to help organizations through new initiatives
  • Health – advising clients on health and wellness choice available through Advocare

I look forward to speaking with you in the future… who knows?  Maybe we will have a chance to work together.

Blessings abound,

The Anthropology of Work

Here’s a whitepaper I wrote awhile back… see what you think.

The workplace is where it all happens… ideas formed, problems solved, challenges met, relationships developed … all for the sake of performance. In most workplace applications, the measure of productivity is determined by the very nature of work including how it is performed, the processes we use and the “stuff” that gets in the way. We wonder whether today was going to be or was actually productive. We monitor the activity of others to see what might be happening or check on their progress. The service industry keeps track of time and the degree to which it can be paid for by someone else. It all happens in the workplace, yet it is the environment that is so often overlooked as the contributor to organizational culture and success.

In today’s economy, issues of globalization, diversity, sustainability, employment branding, agility and employee reward and recognition are directly affecting the way today’s workplace is formed. A strong focus on organizational culture is also uncovering many opportunities for changes in work habits and they way companies organize and create expectations for their employees. Perhaps the workplace is the key link between how work happens, the culture of an organization and the ways the economy is transformed around the world.

An organization’s Cultural Behavior defines the norms and values of an organization. It is a collection of observations and markers that define who an organization is – at its core – as well as the way it behaves in all forms of interaction. Cultural Behavior defines the capacity for an organization’s success.

Work Habits define how things get done. It combines process and output; both often prescribed by an organization as best practice or expected behavior. When someone says, “We do things a certain way around here”, it is the Work Habits that they are talking about.

Future Trends in technology, human performance and organizational dynamics shape an organization’s future aspirations and plans for exploring new ways of doing things. These declarations based on past performance shape what the future will look like and who will adopt these new ways of doing things and behaviors demonstrated by a firm.

Common in all three of these workplace elements – Culture, Work and Trends – is the ability to observe and assess each. Based on these observations and evaluations, we better understand the impact on how people and an organization might behave in their environment. By analyzing the implications of these elements, we develop appropriate requirements of a workplace and leverage it for the good of the organization as well as the people who work within it.

Cultural Behavior

One specialist in organizational development, a company called Human Synergistics, has a long history in helping organizations enhance effectiveness. They focus on the culture of an organization, recommend strategies to help improve performance effectiveness and intentionally change work cultures for the better. The goal of Human Synergistics’ lead assessment – the Organizational Culture Index (OCI) – is to illustrate the current cultural elements of an organization and offer a roadmap of change to make it more constructive.

According to the OCI assessment, a constructive culture is one that embodies achievement, self-actualization, humanistic-encouraging behavior and affiliations. Combined, these four areas represent a willingness to cooperate as well as a commitment to solve problems together. The implications to a workplace are many:

Achievement is defined by an organization’s need to attain results and willingness to accept strong challenges. There is a realization that effort produces results and strong goal orientation among stakeholders. Consider what happens when work is impeded or is slowed by the workplace. Perhaps it is an Internet outage, a temperature problem or not having access to the facilities required for effective performance. It is often taken for granted, but basics of workplace support are vital for achievement.

Self actualization describes a need for personal growth and fulfillment coupled with a strong desire to learn and experience with others. It would be difficult to attach specific elements of a workplace to the self-actualization of an individual. Still, just as is the case with achievement, the workplace can prevent self actualization from happening. Frequent interruptions or disorienting quietness may prevent a strong satisfaction with work. Distractions may slow the learning or thinking process. When on a job interview, it is common to feel like the work environment you are visiting is the right (or not so right) fit. It is often the case that simply by walking around, you gather impressions from your surroundings. It may very well be this idea that links self-actualization in the workplace. At a minimum, satisfaction and happiness are affected.

Humanistic-encouraging behavior suggests a committed interest in growth and development. These kinds of organizations will often engage in coaching and be viewed as personally supportive and interested in its employees’ well being. While the specific programs and activities valued by a company are a large part of this, there is also a visual element here. A workplace that values growth and development includes recognition in visual ways. It demonstrates a commitment to learning by enabling space to support these processes wherever and whenever they happen. In some cases, this may be embodied by learning spaces, but equally important is the way that information is shared and used across the organization.

Affiliation is all about relationships and open communication. An “open door” policy seems to be the one most commonly adopted by organizations today. A clear channel of communication across all levels of an organization should be encouraged. Yet, when measured in the workplace, we note a completely different story. Rarely are there enough places to collaborate and complaints are often waged around the lack of social support the work environment offers. In today’s world, largely due to technology, work and life are more intertwined than ever. So, when there isn’t a place to interact, behaviors of teams can get in the way of an affiliation culture.

Work Habits

In today’s world of work, individuals and groups perform flexibly to get things done. Sometimes there is a need for individual focused c concentration; other times it requires a meeting or discussion with a few others. Depending on the process and task at hand, there are still times when we need to meet intensively to collaborate and solve problems. A day’s work becomes a range of activities – we Focus, Collaborate, Network and Develop – varying over time according to priority, goal or work style.

These are habits in the sense that they become part of who we are as we grow and develop in a career. Performance becomes our own understanding of what it takes to get the job done using the four modes of work to get there. Sometimes, the workplace forces us into habits based on what is easy or more convenient. If the environment is very open, it may be difficult to focus or concentrate. Many times collaboration spaces are underutilized with fewer occupants than capacity. We’ve observed people compensating by finding room – on or off site – or skipping it altogether. The fact is, the workplace can enable or inhibit work from happening, but without a keen understanding of how work happens, it is impossible to accommodate high performance.

A portion of my experience is in observing the workplace and helping organizations better understand how and where work happens. In companies that pay close attention to their workplace, a few general “truths” emerge. Consider these ideas for your own organization and observe the way your workplace supports or gets in the way of the daily work of your employees and teams.

  • Work Modes – most of our time is spent “heads down” on concentrated work. The remainder of the day is spent collaborating formally and informally which leaves only a small amount of the day left for developing and innovating.
  • Barriers – noise, lack of quiet areas and privacy are cited most frequently as inhibitors to work. These barriers lead to the most time spent unproductively.
  • Location – for all the attention “work from home” programs seem to get, there still is a relative small amount of time away from the main place of work.
  • Office Utilization – At best workplace utilization is around 70%. That means 2.5-3 hours per day, desks are vacant likely due to collaboration in other locations, working in other places and moving around informally.

It is no wonder that workplaces are often viewed at minimum as inefficient and sometime ineffective. While the focus must be on collaboration and ubiquitous sharing of ideas – that is the very core of our work and productivity today – it seems that there is equal importance on balancing the need for concentration and privacy. Even in casual observation of today’s workplace, it is clear that there is not enough space dedicated to focused and concentrated work. The pendulum may have swung too far toward the goal of efficiency and openness. A better way to manage and design space is at hand.

Future Trends

In reviewing the future of the workplace and its connection to employee satisfaction, it becomes clear that the world of work has changed. These changes offer new perspectives on the future of workplace design and functional support required for its occupants.

There are six areas of most relevant focus when it comes to the workplace of the future:

  • Agility – the degree to which an employee can adapt to challenges as well as how they typically demonstrate flexibility.
  • Diversity – a description of the cultural, ethnic, living patterns and work style variability in today’s workplace
  • Globalization – the virtual and distributed nature of work and organizational structures
  • Employment Branding – the impressions, both visual and sensory, left in the minds and hearts of employees as well as employee’s engagement in relationship with employers.
  • Rewards and Recognition – the ways and methods by which pride of work, performance and commitment are demonstrated and rewarded in the workplace
  • Sustainability – materials used in application of work environments combined with habits that demonstrate commitment to environmental stewardship.

Trends in Action

The workplace can be agile by offering support to all forms of work as needs change throughout each day or in different phases of projects. The employee’s choice about how and when to work drives their needs of the environment. This range of activity calls for a diverse range of space to help foster an environment of agility and flexibility so important to today’s environment.

To understand the impact of diversity and globalization, watch a social space within a corporate headquarters or even within a busy city location. Virtual collaboration and information sharing adds new dimensions to workplace design in the areas of concentration and privacy. To work effectively in both live and virtual environments, it requires recognition of when both happen and a range of flexible settings to support this type of activity.

Through observational research methods, the signals of what is acceptable in work and practice become clear. The pride of an organization is displayed in common and individual space. For example, work habits relating to clean desks and organization skills are just a few of the ideas important to an organization’s “employment brand”. There are great opportunities to mark an organization’s environment consistent with its employment brand strategy. Use of space then becomes driven by the personal and professional needs of its occupants and things change every day.

The Anthropology of Work

Webster’s Dictionary defines anthropology as “the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture”. Apply the concept of anthropology to today’s work environment and you begin to look at anthropology as study of humans… at work. More specifically, this type of anthropology focuses on behavior, the culture of the work environment and the strategic aspirations of an organization. This concept goes beyond asking what someone needs to be effective; instead, it looks for clues and signals of required changes to be effective in the future.

Based on assertions described in this paper so far, the Anthropology of Work is some combination of the organizational culture represented by a group of people, the habits of work performance they demonstrate and the trends driving their current and future existence.

In a summary of all of this data, perspective and points of view, it seems that there are ten relevant findings that should drive the way workplaces evolve in the future.

1.      Pay close attention to how work happens

In addition to asking what happens in your workplace every day, you should also set about a process to observe the behavior of your workforce. You will likely notice that some spaces are working well, some are getting in the way and some are empty (or at least mostly empty). Social experience is important in today’s work environment and seems to go hand in hand with productive work. Watch for it!

2.      Develop new concepts and try it on for size

When you find out what is going on with your people, you might consider identifying the passionate ones and work with them to develop a workplace that works. Find an underutilized part of your facility (an older building or swing space) and set up a pilot environment. Watch what happens… and beware! People you select should be ready, and willing to live in the fishbowl, because you will generate lots of interest and questions from those who want their environment to work better. You will also gain huge insight into what will work for you and your culture.

3.      Develop some workplace guidelines

One of the ways you can deal with the interruptions that cause so many of us to fall out of “flow” is to develop a system to signal when NOT to interrupt. Give everyone a do not disturb sign, put red dots on the workspaces when you are working, a privacy screen or other mobile space divider… something to make it obvious that you are working hard and cannot be interrupted. If interruptions aren’t the problem, maybe something could be addressed by involving workers in developing the guidelines for using their space most effectively. Not only is this a best practice, it helps engage your employees in the change process.

4.      Make sure you have enough collaborative space

Teams who work together on a regular basis are probably frustrated by not having access to conference rooms. They probably don’t want to go to the trouble to schedule that fifteen-minute touch base update. Open team spaces may simply be a matter of adding tables among team members who need them.  You may also be able to share spaces between individuals who aren’t in the office as much. That way, you create space for collaborative use.

5.      Put some space in-between.

In the nooks and crannies all around your workplace (unusable corners of buildings, in and around columns, nearby coffee machines, etc.) build some places for people to sit and talk. It doesn’t need to be much. It is amazing what a table and chairs will do to get people working together productively. Watch where people walk and put some lounge seating or informal chat stations in their way. Add a watercooler between two departments. Use the traffic patterns to your advantage and watch the ideas happen!

6.      Create shared concentration spaces

Rarely does anyone spend his or her whole day in a concentrated work mode. Perhaps a private office can be divided in such a way to allow shared access. It’s empty anyway, why not get more use of it? Privacy is still important. The challenge is to balance the need with the space available.

7.      Visual display… everywhere the eye can see!

It is natural to want to display your thoughts for others to see. Perhaps you see individual work spaces with project plans on whiteboards or messages to staff when away from the office. With the advent of media and digital imaging and presentation capability, technology requires a vertical space to share. If writing “save” on the board seems to happen all over the conference rooms, it is sign that more display might be needed. It can be mobile or hung on the wall, but whiteboard and digital display are in!

8.      Make it easier to connect

For very little investment, you can easily get technology, power and communication access points up to waist height. Find places where laptops are used and make it easy to connect. If it makes sense, you might explore putting a few “touchdown” spaces in place for visitors or sales people to work. Wireless Internet technology is an expected norm in today’s work force – your staff expects to access the network whenever and however they need it.

9.      Put some things on wheels

The easiest way to assure personal control of your space is to grant the freedom to move it. Mobile tables can be added to most any configuration and allow extra work surface.  Mobile file carts make it easier to get the stuff we need from individual to group and back again. In both cases, no extra space is usually required.

10.  Be intentional… in everything

For each workplace change contemplated, there should be an intentional effect you are seeking, ideally targeting improved productivity and enhanced likelihood of results. Humans tend to find ways to overcome obstacles they face – we find places to meet if there aren’t any available, we adapt to privacy issues with devices and technology. Rarely are organizations willing to be fully engaged with the work environment needs of each employee. An intentional effort will improve performance and lead to an overall more satisfied and engaged workforce.


A comprehensive understanding of the combination of cultural behavior, work habits and future trends is required to fully understand the needs and expectations of your workplace and people who work there. While it may be a challenge, an intentional effort to observe, understand, assess and evaluate these three areas will not only produce a desirable place to work that fosters breakthrough innovation and performance – it will also reflect a concerted effort to create value for your organization, your stakeholders and the occupants of your facilities. There can be no better reason to take action in this regard and there is great potential for the future.

Keeping Things in Perspective

Life has been discouraging lately – at least from a traditionally measured “diet” standpoint.  It seems that I am gaining a little weight largely because I have been slipping into my old eating habits, craving sugar, and not paying as close attention as I should.

And then, I ran across this picture… WHO is that?!?  Yep!  That’s me, at the airport, picking up our exchange student LAST year.  Love the quote too – if our quest is peace by this definition, then all of the sudden, health has a different definition.












So now, about 1 year later, we picked up a new exchange student at the airport.  I look a little different…



So, as I reflect, I realize three important ideas:

  1. The airport picture last year is what I look like eating too much sugar
    (of all forms).  This year’s picture is an image of someone who understands the impact of good nutrition on the body.
  2. Metabolism makes a difference.  Last year, I was sloth like, not sleeping well and lacking energy.  Now, I feel a better balance and reaffirm the importance of exercise, proper vitamins and supplements as well as
    my overall body function
  3. Going back to a year ago is at best, not a good idea!  The picture tells
    the story, but imagine what is going on inside my  body and the
    negative health effect building over time.  It’s a motivator to think
    about the possibilities of what another year might bring and as a
    result, my motivation is to begin anew!

In the world of Advocare, it all starts with the 24-Day Challenge.  I for one and ready to get it going again.

Will you join me on the journey?





A New Creation

January 1, 2014… I weighed at least 305 lbs.  Even the slightest exertion wore me out.  Doctors told me diabetes was knocking on the door.  2014 was another new year of taking medication to prevent diabetes from happening, reduce my level of anxiety, and lower blood pressure.  As someone considered “obese”, my laboratory measures of health were out of whack.  And that’s an understatement.

I would have many believe that this realization happened  because I weighed too much  (which I certainly did).  My life’s state was also reflected in my lack of activity and at best low levels of exercise.  Every advisor in my life offered some suggestion – albeit very gently – that I get some things straightened out.  Truth be told, I just didn’t care about much of anything and certainly wasn’t motivated to make any changes.

What I realize now is that my situation was rooted in the sense of an unbalanced life and an unstable mental state.  Still,  I needed to do something about it… something to improve my health.

I was stubborn and fragile all at the same time.

What most don’t know is that I struggled far beyond my health concerns and lived a sort of paralell life of destruction.  You see, for way too many years, I drank too much. It was part of my life in business, in my travels and whenever I had the opportunity.  Reflecting back on the years leading up to 2014, I am surprised my health concerns didn’t grow more out of control or that I didn’t put myself or others in more danger.  But by the grace of God, I was blessed enough to sustain the relationships of those closest to me.

So, January 1, I quit drinking.  I had some medical assistance to get me through the rough part and then have been working on refocusing my energy ever since.  I am part of an online community that helps.  My wife and family are supportive.  I go back to the stage in late June.  I want to learn to play the guitar…

My life has evolved into a new and different dynamic that seems more positive and satisfying than I’ve realized in a very long time.

Today is my 140th day sober.  In large measure, this change has reset all the lab metrics to “normal” levels.  I’ve also lost weight, improved energy, increased strength and become present in my home and life again.  My decision to quit drinking is certainly a major reason for my health improvements.  Yet…

I give Advocare credit as part of my journey too.

While my commitment is to not drinking, I also appreciate  a whole new way to live and love my life.  Advocare taught me to understand my body and what I needed.  It created a sense of balanced energy and nutrition that sustains me.

Yet, the benefits of Advocare go far beyond health meausres, energy level and nutritional balance.  I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story with others while offering a platform and foundation on which to build a future.  For all the benefits I’ve experienced in nearly five short months, my chance to pay it forward is what matters most to me.  Many of us are up against a challenge in life – healthwise, or otherwise.  My response – and I pray yours too – is to rebuild my life around healthy concepts.  And so in this way…

Advocare is a means of grace for me – and you -to become a new creation.

BA-May172014Blessings Abound,

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! -2 Corinthians 5:17 


Improve your health. Make more money.

Nate Jones lost A LOT of weight on the road to improving his health. He’s an inspiration to me and I look forward to being able to share a similar story…

I’m offering this because I think it represents a little bit of each of us who feel called to improve our health. For me, I had to do something. My blood sugar was too high. Insulin wasn’t working very well. Anxiety and high blood pressure caused lots of trouble. I was motivated to make some changes.

My criteria was three fold – the “diet” had to be:

1. Simple and manageable during a hectic travel schedule
2. Based on real food and nutritionally sound
3. Known for results in people like me

I looked at Shakeology, Isagenix, GNC, Herbal Life and other similar products. I had already tried Weight Watchers online and really didn’t feel very motivated or driven to succeed. I only benefitted based on what little I put into the effort.

This time, though, I was serious.

I learned about Advocare ( and liked them because they were so scientifically sound and also had a long track record of success. I didn’t have to drink strange tasting concoctions or take a mess of chemicals to help me lose weight. Instead, Advocare changed my lifestyle and choices – food, exercise, nutrition, supplements – everything about my health changed.

So far:

  • I’ve lost 20+ pounds
  • My waist, chest and legs are skinnier
  • I have more energy than I ever remember
  • I am aware of health in ways I never understood before
  • I am conscious of my choices when it comes to eating and activity

If you are looking for some help to get healthy, I am confident this approach can work. Besides, it is always good to do things together.

Check out the 24-day Challenge

Then, let’s chat about how to make your health and life goals come true!

Blessings Abound,

Firefighters – Stress and High Octane Performance!

In a recent 2 minute clip from TV show, The Doctors, it stated that almost 1/2 of all firefighter deaths annually are due to heart failure brought on by not maintaining the correct weight and fitness level.

I know a few of these types of folks – they work really hard to fight fires or protect us from crime… yet, they may not be as diligent about maintaining their health.  The good news is, Advocare provides a means for developing healthy habits.  So, if you are involved in any kind of physically strenuous activity or career, there are products that can help improve and sustain your way of life.  Here’s an example of a success story that might relate to someone you know…

Some have wondered and expressed concern to me that these products are somehow shortcuts to weight loss – as if you magically take some pill or drink some supplement or meal replacement shake or protein bar to become more thin and muscular.

This is NOT the case!

While it is true that Advocare has a wide variety of products to meet a wide variety of goals (weight loss being one of them), there is nothing magical about the product.

Advocare was founded on the premise that people needed balanced nutrition, through natural sources and that certain body functions and energy levels could be improved and protected with the right combination of well-being activity and choices.  There are four product lines in Advocare that are all based on the fundamental truth that we can improve our health by focusing on overall wellness throughout our life.  It also requires that we enhance our overall health performance  – eating, exercising, living and serving others.

That’s why I am involved with this company and wish the best for everyone in my life and circle of influence.  God knows I have a long way to go to meet my goals, but I believe in the power of these products and know they are adding value to my physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Now, I am extending beyond the pure health benefits to enhance my income and family’s livelihood.  Will you join me?

Blessings Abound,
